The 3 founders of sigma star are building a lego city with happy faces.

Our journey began back in 2011. Then, we were three computer science students, brimming with ideas and fueled by our passion for Linux, software development, and IT security. Fast forward to today, having successfully completed numerous projects and guided many businesses, we’ve earned our stripes as experts in these fields. We’re still a committed team, whether we’re building with Lego or Linux. Plus, curiosity never stops! We are constantly developing our skills - and eager for new challenges.

"Being a part of the team as a security specialist, I blend my proficiency in IT security and cryptography with my background in Linux and software development. I'm also not afraid to build large code bases from scratch, for Linux- and non-Linux systems. "

Portrait of a man with glasses and beard.

David Gstir

"I'm the guide for any system-related quest, especially in the area of security-oriented software and bugs of all kinds. When I'm not debugging, I'm involved in the Linux kernel development and maintaining several Linux subsystems "

Portrait of a man with fedora hat, glasses, beard.

Richard Weinberger

"I contribute my experience in software development and software architecture to our team. Besides, I stay in touch with our customers and keep a close watch on the organizational matters. This comes easily to me, as I have founded various companies and advise some startups. "

Portrait of a man with glasses, bare head and thin beard.

Thomas Dierl

Part of the community

We’re proud to be part of the open source community, and we’re committed to contributing regularly to various projects. This includes work on the Linux kernel, file systems, and secure programming. In addition, we’re quite active and can often be found at various conferences, where we also give presentations. We hope to see you at one of the upcoming events!

A penguin explains something to a group of animals sitting in chairs around him.
Icon with a waving hand

Get in touch

+43 5 9980 400 00

sigma star gmbh
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 6, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck | Austria

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